Winter relented and cast forth a glimmer of Spring this week as we finally enjoyed a quiet return journey to the State Capitol, free from the frosty elements of snow or ice. Beneath the Capitol Dome, hundreds of citizens gathered from the four corners of the State to attend various hearings on many issues with the coming challenges of the Budget looming over all discussions. On the House Floor, we had our first spirited debate where the philosophical differences were presented as we debated and gave overwhelming first round passage to require drug testing of adult welfare recipients…
Addressing the Address
Last week Gov. Nixon delivered the State of the State Address. Contrary to the Governor’s statements, his proposed total budget reductions throughout state programs amount to around $300M, not $700M. He has proposed 863 job cuts, yet, none involve his personal staff. This is not good leadership given that the Senate and House have already cut internal staff and salaries. Climbing out of this hole will require us all to sacrifice, not using the Governor’s plan to require only others to sacrifice. Part of the Governor’s budget calls for $67.4M in Medicaid reductions. However, more than half are provider rate cuts. Just because the Medicaid formula says, “Here is what you get paid for your service,” does not mean the cost for providing the service is suddenly what Medicaid stated. The cost is still the same and the inability to collect the proper payment for their services causes doctors and hospitals to inflate the costs elsewhere to make up the difference or refuse to offer services at all. This amounts to higher costs for everyone and the result is income redistribution. Missourians are demanding fundamental changes with real solutions, grounded in the values of freedom, liberty, responsibility, and charity, not cradle to grave, income redistribution. The Governor also proposed that funding for K-12 schools remain static, yet when you review the actual numbers, the $112M currently available to the 522 struggling school districts must be held over until the next fiscal year for the numbers to match. This, on top of the $62M in school transportation funds being withheld by the Governor, spells trouble for maintaining the current funding rates.Parent Power and Choice Act
Next week, I will file the “Parent Power and Choice Act” that provides options for parents whose children are required to attend a school that is failing to meet their child’s educational needs. If parents believe their children are being underserved, and over fifty percent of those parents sign a petition requesting the local education agency to make education alternatives available, a triggering event occurs that requires the local agency to make those options available. Once the trigger is initiated, parents will have three options for providing the best educational scenario for their children. The first option is a restart model in which the local educational agency converts or reopens the existing school under a charter school operator, a charter management organization, or an education management organization that has been selected through a review process. The second option is to close the school and move the students to another school within the local educational agency. Option Three would allow a local educational agency to implement a school voucher program. The voucher would cover the cost of attendance necessary for the student to attend any private or public school for which the student is eligible to be enrolled. This is a dramatic proposal that places parents in control of the free public education that we claim our State offers. It is time that all proposals be on the table to rectify our failing schools across the State.Tuesday, January 25, 2011
On Tuesday evening, many of us in Jefferson City and across Missouri turned our attentions toward the larger state of our nation and listened to the State of the Union address. I found it interesting that every time the President discussed spending (which often requires increasing your taxes), he used to word “investing”. The people spoke last November and apparently the President and the leaders of the US Senate did not hear the message. It is time to reign in the spending and make the necessary cuts to begin paying down our massive national debt. Merely “freezing” spending at current levels for the next 5 years is bad news for America, and bad news for Missourians. What it means is continued deficit spending and increased debt.FLOOR ACTION: Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Spirited debate erupted on the House Floor as we debated HB 73. As you know by now, HB 73 allows for the drug testing of welfare (TANF) recipients suspected of using a controlled substance. Despite attempts from some House Democrats to continue subsidizing the illegal drug use of some TANF benefit recipients, HB 73 overwhelmingly received first round passage, was ordered printed and perfected, and was placed on the House calendar for third reading. It is unconscionable to think the right decision is to continue to provide taxpayer funding for anyone’s drug use.FLOOR ACTION: Thursday, January 27, 2011
Today, I brought to the Floor the House Resolution [HR274] that governs the Rules of Procedure for the House Ethics Committee of which I am the Chairman. I am pleased to report that the Ethics Committee Rules received unanimous support both in Committee and on the House Floor. Every single Democrat and Republican who voted today supported this very important procedural resolution.Public Service Announcement
The Family Enrichment and Resource Program (FERP), a local nonprofit organization which I very much support, is hosting a Children’s Art Auction at the Wyman Center on Saturday, February 5th from 6:30pm-9:00pm. The cocktail reception is $12 per person which includes admission, beverages, hors d’oeuvres and childcare, if needed. The purpose of this inaugural program is to bring families together and provide resources and activities that will guide parents in their child rearing and child development skills. For additional information or to RSVP, please call Pam at 314-603-5787 or email your reply to stregthenfamilies{at}yahoo{dot}com.Visiting the Capitol
If you ever find yourself in or around Jefferson City at any time during the year, please feel free to visit us! Stop by our new office location in Room 302 and we will be happy to meet and greet you!Personal News & Notes
I am finding that my duties as Floor Leader truly run the gamut. I am sought out by members, of both sides of the aisle, for my advice and counsel on a number of issues, from legislation to human resources to office administration. I am very humbled by the fact that I can be of service to not only my own constituents, but to constituents and their Representatives all across the State. And because this makes for very long days and sometimes longer nights, I continue to owe a debt of gratitude and thanks to my excellent staff, my colleagues at my law firm, DosterUllom, LLC, and especially to Suzanne, Katie and Abby, who are a sight for sore eyes every Thursday evening when I return home! If we can ever be of any assistance, do not hesitate to contact us at: 573.751.0562 or you can reach my primary assistant, Jody at: jody{dot}williams{at}house{dot}mo{dot}gov.Until our next update, I am, and remain, in your service.
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