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04 April 2011

Lant: Budgets, Compacts, and an Outstanding Senior Volunteer

[Op. Note: Proposition B is incorrectly mentioned in this missive. Proposition C, approved by voters in August 2010, concerned health care mandates.]

The first part of our week was devoted to hearing House Bills 1 through 13. These bills allocate roughly 23 billion dollars that comprise our state budget. This budget process is the biggest part of our commitment to the voters; of respecting our tax dollars, controlling spending, and providing for education. Highlighting the process was holding funding for the foundation formula intact and setting aside $49 million dollars for future savings while avoiding any tax increases. The floor debates and ensuing votes were amazingly bi-partisan and the budget was approved in record time. It is now in the hands of the Senate and I hope they will find it as easy to pass as we did.

Our attentions were then directed to a somewhat more controversial subject. HB 423 is designed to create a "Health Care Compact". It addresses the implementation of the federal healthcare mandate by allowing states to band together to work aside of the Federal Government. This is one way for us to address the rising costs of healthcare. The proponents of this bill believe that a compact of states can write and implement a set of rules that will work better for their populations than the Federal Government which wants to establish a "one size fits all" program. We already have compacts in operation with neighboring states on issues like energy production, Missouri and Mississippi River projects, and border controls. If Congress consents to this Compact, we can enact laws that supersede federal regulations within the state that regulate healthcare. The passage of Proposition B by an overwhelming margin of 71% demonstrates that Missourians want to return to State control.

HB 475 addresses the transparency of consumer healthcare costs. It would enable consumers to have better knowledge and information regarding where they go and what it will cost. This will naturally encourage competition among insurance carriers and hopefully bring down costs and improve the quality of service.

We passed a number of consent bills also. HB 344 dealing with concepts of "Farm To Market" produce passed nearly unanimously as did HB 578 allowing used tire disposal. HB 68 deals with misuse of
emergency phone services, HB 98 provides for the extension of the DNR fee of 50 cents on scrap batteries, HB 340 allows counties to build jails at places other than the county seat, and other such easily agreed upon bills.

Instead of my History Minute this week, I want to share some special news with you. The Lieutenant Governor, each year, recognizes ten people as "Outstanding Senior Volunteers". This honor is for citizens who are over age 65 and are recognized by their community as very special people. I am proud to announce that Mr. Clifford McCoy has been chosen as one of ten people out of six million people in this state to receive this honor. Anyone who knows Cliff is smiling as they read this for there is none more-deserving to be called "Outstanding" than he is. Any time someone is in need of help, whether it is his extraordinary skills as a plumber or heating and air technician, or the comforting words and kind smile that he has been known for his entire life, Cliff is there! As one of my sons once put it: "You don't have to ask whether or not Cliff is a Christian, you can tell the instant he steps into a room". I am extremely proud to call him my friend and I wouldn't miss going to the ceremony on April 20th, at the Hornet Pentecostal Church at 9:00 A.M. when the Lieutenant Governor presents his award.

Enjoy this glorious spring weather!

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